Sunday, May 1, 2011

Vivent les Frogs!!!

Still in Nice, and I can say that the French Riviera lives up to the hype for good reason, and for bad...

The temperature has been in the mid-70s since I arrive and nary a cloud has dotted the sky. The Mediterranean is as blue as you might expect, and the women on the beach are as topless as you'd hope, (even on days that seem a little cold for beach-going) making for a pretty pointy stretch of sand...

The roads are perfect for riding and often times lead you on cliff-top routes that rival my rides through the Austrian and Italian mountains. The food is absurd, but then again, so are the prices. When in Rome though right? Eatin' like a local, payin' like a local. I gave some goat cheese and ratatouille a shot tonight and was far from good even, that I was forced to try a dessert and woofed back an apple tart. (If the waitstaff hadn't already been making me feel a little uncomfortable for my rusty French skills, I might have snapped some pictures for you all to oogle and envy...alas, the camera stayed in the bag.)

So despite all of those good things, there exists the complication of having Monaco right next door; a country, which besides for it's very cool Formula 1 race track that winds through the city streets (yes, I rode it...multiple times), doesn't much make up for the D-bags rolling around in ridiculous whips, clearly desperate for the world to admire and photograph them and their cars...(woooh, long sentence). The city/country is obviously amazing in every other way...just drop the losers.

I spent most of today cruising Nice, ultimately exploring the old quarter, which is jam packed with fresh flower, fruit, and vegetable markets. That eventually lead me to one of the major city squares where I was happy to find a stretch of grass, spread out, and soak up some Mediterranean rays.

Not a shabby day, although I'll admit that I miss having a travel buddy...i.e. Juila in Como/Milan, with whom to share it that burden now falls on all you suckers reading this blog...Enjoy the day's shots and feel free to book a ticket and meet me somewhere over here in France in the next 9 days...

THE BEACH....yes

Random, but I liked the way this shot came out...

A "Nice" little French city on the Mediterranean...couldn't help myself

 A view of the beach, of "Promenade des anglais," of the city, and the mountains beyond...

"Côte d'Azur" for sure...
And I liked that long afternoon shadow....

Pose shot...

Yes, it's a real dog. No, it's not for sale...
For some reason thought this was hilarious. Still do...

Soaking up some more sun in the morning hours tomorrow before heading to Aix-en-Provence...

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